The understandings that we should choose a certain path or that we are on some destiny might be falsely accused by the misrepresentation of humanity. Who knew the mysteries of this earth would be so bountifully misguided or hopefully continued on the hectic path that we call life.
No mysteries ever could relate to the perceptions that we wear through our life. Yes we all have priorities, and taught differently about each thing. Who knew that one path could bring two outcomes. My life's goal should only be to serve our maker. But how is my goal reflected in life?
I have the greatest desire to serve others in broken communities, and to encourage their life long goal of being successful. Those successful, I have little desire to work with or interact with, though I may partner and hope to share success with them.
The rest, too proud to even continue understanding others. Those are the ones I have difficulty with, and yes, I too fit in this bracket. Here are my priorities. What I should have...
God: I should spend time pursuing his word understanding what it means and giving up selfish desires to hope for something not in his will for me, but in his. Mind you I have choices here too, and God warns me when I am misguided. But he is my first priority, or at least he should be.
I know many Christians who have let him be second, third, fourth, fifth, or whatever, who have gone down a more destructive pattern, and maybe I am there too. Who knows. I know not every aspect of my life matches up, but I have a hope and desire to serve God by doing the best I can, which always is less than what he deserves.
My life is not perfect, nor do I expect it to be, we live in a fallen world with sin, destructive patterns and unfortunately humanity, which is falling apart at the seams where God built it. Why did he make us, why did he keep us I will never know, but this is or should be my top priority.
Family: This counts for almost any one who can build me up support me and be my foundation when failing thoughts and miseries surround my daily life. They are my rock, they keep me supported, and I do not always do a well enough job to help them. I might be God's servant, but I am a piece that keeps my family together. I wont sacrifice that for anyone but God, especially if I do not feel right about the situation.
Whats difficult right now is I'm not sure about a situation, of which I actually am curious about. I feel so inspired and so abandoned at the same time. I'm not sure who I'll be or what I'll say when things turn and seasons change. But what I will know and understand is that these happen for a reason, and God will be there as a support. I do not believe he has given up yet.
My family does well in supporting the decisions I make in my life. They may not know every aspect of my life. Some things are better left unspoken and just between you, the other person and God. People don't need to know everything in life, they'd go crazy. Actually try and imagine everything you've ever done and see if you'd want that to be shared. Embarrassing... Right? Though if asked I try to be as honest and open as I can. I believe the majority of my family would agree and support this idea.
Work: This I feel like should also be my second priority, it actually fights family for second place. This is everything that holds my world up. Unfortunately our world is built on a foundation of self worth and finances. What sucks is that we have bills to take up our finances we receive. Paul didn't have this problem, because he was really powerful and then when he converted he didn't have anything and trusted God. Sometimes that's what we need to do, give up our own selfish desires and wander out into the wilderness to find God. Giving up everything might be a good start, just to find him. That is how the disciples did it. That change was their personal mid-life crisis that changed their lives forever.
Volunteer: This is for any section that comes from giving your time and effort in what you believe in. God asks us to Give our time our energy and sometimes money. This would all be considered tithes and offerings that we contribute to his plan. Why would we volunteer if it didn't have anything to go on as far as materials or biblical foundations? We wouldn't.
See here is the thing, the mysterious lies that we all think are OK, aren't. They do not do any favor toward any one. When they are finally thought about believed we turn it into a huge maze that cannot be won. Sometimes we have to be on our own in order to find all the checkpoints in the maze. In which the turmoil sets in because we are alone, in our flesh, living in an unjust world with a just maker unsure of where to go next.
Thanks for sharing, Christine!