There is a blissful understanding that nothing will ever be the same as that moment we are in. We change, we hope, we desire, and those things that drive us to do so don't always get to know how beautiful they are or could be. We just turn our selves inward and don't acknowledge those people who showed so much love and understanding for our lives.
Your captivation upon our hearts and live will drive us to accomplish greater things. One thing I wont say is thank you, because I'll host bitterness with in my heart toward the lack of change I see in you.
Maybe this is the exact reason marriage is so stinking hard, because no matter how hard we try to keep love strong, we realize we are changing, ever so slightly and that change, not only we need to get accustomed to but the other one person in our lives also needs to adjust, maybe it is the drive toward becoming something greater that we forget of the presence of another person. Maybe that is why we leave morph and extinguish the love that once existed... Just like our relationship with God.
He is one I'd like a clearer understanding of, yeah read our bible, but in honesty I just want to sit down and have a face to face conversation with him about life, what his struggles were and how those struggles apply to todays culture, and if certain things are ok and if they aren't.
I've seen the legalistic viewpoints on basic topics like, alcohol, playing card, apparel, hair, and jewelry. I see how some might have mistaken some things to be stricter than what historical biblical foundations were. (Example: woman should be silent). Look into the context, historically woman had no knowledge of what was spoken in the church, and now because of woman having the ability to talk and go to school, having a say and being able to read, we can now speak up. Before men only had the ability to read and interpret the bible. So, women speak up and lead, which happened a few times in the actual biblical text.
Some text I wont ever understand, but here is the thing, if we are devote lovers of Christ and we show his love to others while attempting to understand things said biblically maybe he'll make it known. The only reason we understand the text is because he makes it known. Somethings I know I am not sure about, but if he wants us to know its wrong boy he'll give us warnings, and he'll be able to help us recognize truth in what we read. As long as we are faithful to him.
I love people who are different from me, what's interesting is I find a harder time loving people who are exactly like me, because I find more fault in me than anyone else, which is why bitterness can creep in.
I love a person, I love many, and what is interesting is no matter how angry, how distraught and how terrified I am God gives me strength, because he is the ultimate "love machine". We should be able to withstand the destructive terrors of others because we know we are carrying God's love.
Be who you are, attempt to understand the bible, and pray that he makes it known to you if you doubt aspects of it or are unsure of anything, he can help you understand. But God have mercy on those who think they can judge others with out themselves being judged by God.
And if you take anything away from this,
People are beautiful, lets love them for who they are, or who they could be not what they are doing or how we think they should act, but for them.
God has the ability to make known to them what they are missing, we as christians can guide with truth, but when truth is contorted and not really expressed the mischievous one has room for doing all sorts of things to screw people over.
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