Friday, December 13, 2013

Mary-go-round pt 2

We are supposed to love our enemies, but what if we are ourown enemy?

In this life we are not supposed to fear.
Not hold dear to the things which are near.
Not to know but one thing we should fear

Who say not to keep those things that we fear near?
Who say we cannot do the things we need to be dear?

Im not afraid of the past
Because that’d just be daft
Not to understand the darkest cast
Brought upon the nearest mast

Who determines how freedom has been cast?
Who needs others to show their fear from the past?

I want to be bold
Beyond the furthest hold
Not stopping for their fold
But knowing what I’ve told

Unknown what the future may hold
Unsure about what others have told

I’d like to be able say to the future
Behold it is not my nature
To show you how I nurture
Others who’ve been butchered
The nearer future
Cannot be butchered
Nor can it be nurtured

Who knows what it nurtures among the foulest creatures?
Who controls the billows of the nature beyond the future?

Who determines who’s weaker or stronger?
Who creates the length of grandeur?

There is a secret beauty
That lies beneath our vulnerability
The despise beyond the possibility
Creates the curiosity

Who can say what we don’t know creates a possibility torespect Thee?
What if we accepted the beauty in the challenge of our curiosity?

Should we take the time to expose
The lullabies with in our souls
Revealing the vulnerabilities
Among the possibilities
That what is held in the future
Is for us to find the nurture
That our father above told
Our family of old

Or the tales of darkest pasts
Can reveal the freeing masts
That we no longer have to fear
But we can draw near
To the one who can free us, God.

Which we can find the strength to fight for our freedom fromthe challenging dilemmas that we face in the future, that we could not find thestrength in ourselves

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