Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Three Wars.

My thoughts and desires to be said would be a cancerous disease spreading as wildfire across the fields dry from drought. No one can ever express the passion or love felt between two people, who have the honest integrity of a loving father. This type of sacrificial love comes not from the lustful desires between humans but one thought through planned beauty.
There are no explanations for the actions that I’ve done and no honesty among them. What I feel and desire would not be one of honest integrity or of hopeful plans.  The things I’ve felt and heard would be unwise to mention in such a free setting as this.
I do not know who I am, nor do those around me. I portray myself as one for a blip moment in time and the next day I’d be spouting sonnets of praise to the heavens. No one would ever suspect that what lies underneath could devour a soul, or two.
The gasps from inside unleash only but a few times. What should have been destroyed forever now has the freedom to roam, wildly consuming all beauty among the already laid ashes. The terrifying beast with in craves to devour even the dust of beauty.
And beauty is only to be protected by the frontward portrayal of love. Maybe love has never been the center maybe it does not know its place among the thorns. Or it knows its place and yet protects only the smallest healthiest seed of hope which will never be found by the beast.
The hornet, which antagonizes both, decides to follow suit of its self, ignoring all other ambitious plans targeting the smallest sector of passion creating an onset of wild flowers blooming across the otherwise barren land. No one would have guessed the pop ups of the crazed blooms. Though pretty and misleading as they were, they could never have amounted to the baby seed that was being protected by the true and honest love.
What then is it, is it honesty, purity, hope, desire, passion, lusts, fury, frost bitten hearts that continue our journey of discovery? Or is it the true love that is only revealed by the protector of our beings keeping the greatest blip of purity protected?

This is what my daily life is like, complex thoughts, hopes and dreams of maybe understanding the greater plan of the world. Maybe I understand it, but do not always succeed in it because the hornet or the beast becomes the distraction of my day. Maybe when the protector puts them to death, maybe then will I be able to truly live, fulfilling my duty as an individual with integrity and with excellence.  

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