Most people say that becoming an adult is more than just an age thing and that it has a lot to do with responsibility. Still many are unclear on what it means to be an adult.
Is it going to work every day?
Is it going to school?
Is it when we get married?
Is it how we dress
Is it the bills?
Is it how we present ourselves to others?
Oxfords Definition:
adult |əˈdəlt; ˈadˌəlt|noun- a person who is fully grown or developed : children should be accompanied by an adult. A fully developed animal. Law a person who has reached the age of majority. adjective- (of a person or animal) fully grown or developed : the adult inhabitants ofthe U.S. emotionally and mentally mature : an effort to be adult and civilized. So a person who is fully grown would be age 25. This is when brains and eyes have fully developed. Is this what it means to be fully grown? Or is it a combination. A person who has reached adulthood when they are mature physically, mentally, or emotionally. Ok so when I was 15 years old, 10 years ago, people said I was mature for my age. Did that mean that I understood how to appropriately act among others in a way that appeared to be better than others? I was not as mature as I am now, but now it seems that my maturity has turned into an understanding of a lack of fun, but some Adults have fun, others become destroyed by their continuous business and tiredness. MY definition of an adult, is one who can hold their own and understand what their boundaries are in being independent versus in community. I feel like an adult, I did at the beginning of this year and even more so finishing up the school year. In June I will be moving from my home, starting a career, coming home from Costa Rica, and who knows what else. God has blessed me with abundance through out my years at Multnomah and I am happy to announce that I have finished. I am officially done with my Bachelors, though I could have finished better, what matters is I finished, God provided me a job, and a group of friends that I couldn't even ask for. I have been blessed with what I've gotten and given. The next two years I am happy to say that I have become an adult, through perseverance and pursuit of the greatest thing ever, God and Independence within community. I have learned what it is like to be an adult, pay the bills, rent a property, do well even though I felt like giving up and pursuing greatness when all hope seems lost.
God, Thank you for allowing me to finish. Thank you for providing for my every need; even though I've been cranky unwilling and a pain in your butt many times. You've helped me to do well in my life. You've given me a reason to live. You've given me my friends, my family and my job. I pray that you continue to pursue me though sometimes I may fail, that you will continue to be my aid in my human existence though my desire is to give up. Thank you for being there even when I wanted to throw in my towel. I love you. Thank You my friends who have always told me to continue trying in what I do. For telling me to sleep when I needed it, and for always supporting me in my endeavors. You are all awesome and I love you too. Thank you my family for supporting me financially and helping me with school last minute. Hopefully I can repay you some day...
All of you have influenced who I have become as an adult. Becoming an adult is a never ending process in which the adventures will still be taking place and the tidal waves will still come in.
So proud of you :)