Every once in a while there are these days, they are the days that every one hates. The days that are dreaded by all. Well, sometimes they are these days and others are more neutral. Then there are those days that every thing is going perfect and four people end up having incidences.
Some times those days are considered the days that are hated by most. See those days are the days when everything was perfect and unfortunately it ends terribly. Well, that was the outlook of this day.
Rarely am I sent to another area of work; I'm normally with the average 6-10 year old kid. What they don't tell us is... "You are going to deal with the kids that are the most traumatized." ... How are they traumatized?... "Its better if you don't know"... excuse me?... "just go figure it out"...
I got to be honest, I do NOT always know what to expect on my every day. How many kids will blow out, etcetera, all I know is that I am here working, understanding that I am here for the protection of others and the support of the staff. I don't have any idea how well I do or why I do some of the things I do. I just do.
I normally am standing there watching the parameters around a room and the other staff and kids to see how everyone is doing. Im like a reader, of personalities, thoughts, fears, annoyance, anxiety, and whatever other emotion that is normally presented in a physical manner. Kids, well they do not always understand their emotions or why they even have them. The other part of my job is helping them perceive the ideas behind the emotion they present.
Today, was a normal day. Nothing out of the ordinary. I just float around to give what assistance staff need at the time of moment and fly back to where I was. I get to meet more people and interact with more youth than I know what to do with. "normally" that would be fine. But today, its like everything was fine in the mornings and boom. The evenings exploded like it was the fourth of July, but on fire.
I am unclear, however, when I am supposed to intervene or what. Though, I can say what exploded in the evening would also be covered in the later night. See, when kids explode normally they tend to wine or complain, and maybe, just maybe, if it got intense enough they would kick and scream on the floor. (The family that I came from would not have tolerated it. How can I?) Simple, their lives were significantly different than that of normality.
"What is normal? What are cows?"-normality restored....
These kids scale walls for fun. They jump on tables, swear at you, and hate you all with in 10 minutes. What I think amazes me most is that these kids are some of the most brilliant incredible kids that you could ever choose to love.
A kid tonight after an ordeal came up to me and started talking to me about their feelings. I'm not going to share everything, but the individual said they didn't believe in me when they were mad. Then, after everything calmed down, we went to the room got ready for bed and I read. Goosebumps. Yes a bed time treat for any kid that age. Afterwards the individual decided to pinky (Like a pinky promise) saying that they believed in me. They also said they didn't want me to leave, and that they would hold my pinky until the person who was to switch me out came.
The dramatic switch in this kid was beautiful. The individual asked me to draw my hand so that they could hold my pinky until I came back to work on wed. So, I tucked the child in bed said good night, and left with them still holding my pinky. Nights like this make me want to go to work.